Category Archives: Inspiration

The best inventions of 2016, according to TIME magazine

Written by Alex Gray Senior Writer, Formative Content
Published Friday 16 December 2016
A man plays a video game with Sony's PlayStation VR headset at Tokyo Game Show 2016 in Makuhari, east of Tokyo, Japan, September 15, 2016.

From an artificial pancreas to a life-saving potato … some of TIME magazine’s top 25 inventions
Image: REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Every year TIME magazine publishes a list of what it considers to be the year’s 25 great inventions. This year’s selection covers a broad range of ideas, from a levitating light bulb to shoes that tie themselves.

And some of them are truly life-changing.

1. Uneven football fields

Who says a football field has to be rectangular? Thai property development company AP Thailand has turned unused and unevenly shaped spaces in Bangkok into football fields.

The Unusual Football Field was first developed in the Khlong Toei community, a highly populated area in Bangkok. If found unused but awkwardly sized spaces and converted them into spots where schoolchildren could go to play the nation’s favourite sport.

This video shows how the company converted the spaces to give children a valuable outlet, and why they did it.

Image: AP Thai

2. A roof over their heads

For years, the Swedish furniture group IKEA has been designing functional and affordable furnishings. But it has also been solving problems outside the home.

The company has supported the work of Better Shelter, an organization that, with the help of the IKEA Foundation and the UNHCR, has created a safer and more durable shelter for refugee families around the world.

Better Shelter in Kara Tepe, Lesvos

Image: Better Shelter

The Better Shelter is designed to last for at least three years and is suitable for areas in which local materials or construction workers are in short supply. It is “a ground-breaking example of democratic design form, function, quality, sustainability and an affordable price,” says the IKEA Foundation.

But they can provide more than homes for refugees. They act as registration centres, medical facilities and food distribution points in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

“The refugee housing unit is an exciting new development in humanitarian shelter … Its deployment will ensure dramatic improvement to the lives of many people affected by crises,” says Shaun Scales, Chief of Shelter and Settlement, at UNHCR.

3. A life-saving potato

Food – its quality, quantity, availability – is one of the biggest issues of our time.

The World Food Prize is a Nobel-like international award that recognizes achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world.

This year’s winners are four people who, between them, have developed a nutrient-rich vegetable and helped to extend the reach of food crops whose nutritional quality has been improved.

Three members of the team, Dr Maria Andrade of Cape Verde, Dr Robert Mwanga of Uganda, and Dr Jan Low of the United States, have created a sweet potato enriched with vitamin A. Deficiency in vitamin A contributes to high rates of blindness, diarrhoea, immune-system disorders and premature death in children and pregnant women in Africa. The potato is “the single most successful example of micronutrient and vitamin biofortification,” say the award organizers.

 World Food Prize Laureates 2016

Image: World Food Prize

The fourth winner of the award, Dr Howarth Bouis, has been recognized for pioneering the concept of “biofortification” – improving the nutritional content of a food – and turning the idea into a global movement.

“Through the combined efforts of our four Laureates, over 10 million persons are now positively impacted by biofortified crops, with a potential of several hundred million more having their nutrition and health enhanced in the coming decades,” say the World Food Prize panel.

4. Artificial pancreas

The number of diabetics worldwide is expected to double in the next 20 years to 700 million, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, or the body cannot effectively use the insulin that it does produce.

Without insulin, sugar can build to harmful levels in the blood. This can cause damage to all our major organs, from our hearts to our kidneys. It can also cause blindness, impotence and infections that can result in amputation.

It’s a chronic disease that impacts the daily lives of its sufferers, who have to regularly check their blood sugar levels.

In September of this year, a new device was approved for use by the Federal Drug Administration in the US.

The MiniMed® 670G system is an insulin pump that automatically adjusts the delivery of insulin based on its sensor, which measures blood-sugar levels every five minutes. The company says it aims to help people living with Type 1 diabetes “spend less time managing their disease and more time enjoying life”.

 The MiniMed 670G system

5. Artificial limbs

Colombia’s 50-year civil war turned it into one of the most heavily landmined countries in the world. Many children have borne the brunt, losing their lives or surviving with lost limbs.

IKO Creative Prosthetic System

Image: IKO

Colombian-born designer Carlos Arturo Torres took the typical prosthesis design and viewed it from the eyes of a child. ‘What if kids could make their own prosthetics?’ he asked himself.

The result is the IKO Creative Prosthetic System, an adaptable prosthesis designed on the back of extensive research into how children feel about wearing a prosthesis. It is both functional – it has a functioning hand attachment – and convertible into a toy. It has a LEGO space ship with a laser and a remote-controlled digger arm that can be attached instead.

“Missing a limb shouldn’t be a disability for a kid when you have the opportunity to explore and augment their potential by creating, playing and learning,” says Torres, “It’s all about kids being kids.”

6. The fundraising Power Band

Wearable fitness devices have been one of the hottest products of recent years. Now there is one that aims to solve two problems at once: reducing obesity among children in wealthier nations while also helping children at risk of starvation in poorer ones.

Created by the Ammunition Group, the UNICEF Kid Power Band encourages children to get active and earn points. The points are converted into funding used by UNICEF to deliver lifesaving packets of therapeutic food to severely malnourished children around the world.

To date, the UNICEF Kid Power Team has earned more than 12 million Kid Power Points, enough to unlock more than 5.1 million packets of therapeutic food.


7. Cleaner air

The World Health Organization says the number of deaths attributed to air pollution is 6.5 million a year. That’s more than the number of people killed by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and road injuries combined.

Wynd is a portable air cleaner that monitors the air around you and purifies where needed. It removes dust, allergens, smoke, and pollution from your personal space, in a device that is the size of a water bottle.

 A portable air cleaner

Image: Wynd Technologies

It has been created by Wynd Technologies, Inc., a start-up based in California. Founder Ray Wu often travelled to Asia, where poor air quality is a well-known problem. “We created Wynd out of a need to create clean environments for ourselves and our families wherever we go,” says the company.

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[Info] The best jobs for your personality type

Written by Richard Feloni and Skye Gould
Published Monday 10 October 2016
Nils Westerlund of Sweden, Sofia Braendstroem of Sweden, Alessandro Contini of Italy  and Emma Rose of Britain (R-L) of the HowDo start-up attend a production meeting at their office at the Wostel co-working space in Berlin March 18, 2013. Europe must urgently tackle youth unemployment, the French, German and Italian governments said May 28, 2013, urging action to rescue an entire generation who fear they will not find jobs. Some 7.5 million Europeans aged 15-24 are neither in employment nor in education or training, according to EU data. Youth unemployment in the EU stood at 23.6 percent in January, more than twice as high as the adult rate. Picture taken March 18, 2013.   REUTERS/Thomas Peter (GERMANY - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT) - RTX103SF

Figure out which type suits you best, and then check out the charts below.
Image: REUTERS/Thomas Peter
America’s biggest companies have been operating on the assumption for decades that certain personalities correspond to certain jobs, and one of the main tools they’ve used is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test.

It assigns people one of 16 personality types based on how they measure themselves against four criteria — it’s the test where you can find out if you’re an ESTJ or an ISTP. According to statistics from a few years ago, around 80% of Fortune 500 companies use the test, as does the world’s largest hedge fund.

To determine five of the best jobs for every personality, we consulted one of the most popular personality guides based on the Myers-Briggs system, “Do What You Are,” which has sold more than 1 million copies over its five editions, and spoke with one of its authors, Paul Tieger. (Note: The book is not affiliated with the Myers & Briggs Foundation, the company that manages the official MBTI test.)

The job lists aren’t meant to be definitive, but rather serve as a fun way to see how certain occupations attract a particular kind of person.

Figure out which type suits you best, and then check out the charts below.

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

Image: Skye Gould Business Insider

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[Info] 22 coisas que pessoas criativas fazem diferente. Quem é criativo vai entender a maioria.

Pessoas criativas são diferentes. Você já deve ter percebido que aquele seu amigo que tem umas ideias malucas se diferencia dos outros em muitas características.

Ou melhor, se você for uma pessoa criativa vai entender o que estou falando só de ler os itens a seguir.

O site Just Something levantou 22 características de pessoas criativaspara tentar entender o que as fazem tão especiais… ou pelo menos diferentes.

Se você quer ser um pouco mais criativo, ou atiçar seu raciocínio, talvez seja uma boa seguir essa lista.


A verdade é que ninguém sabe quando a próxima grande ideia vai chegar. Isso também serve para os criativos, mas eles sabem que uma hora a ideia chega. Sem mais nem menos, ela chega.


Os criativos podem estar onde quiserem a qualquer momento. Calma, não estou falando de teletransporte. Eles simplesmente se perdem em suas próprias imaginações… e o pior, isso pode acontecer enquanto conversam com você. Faz parte.

Pessoas criativas (11)



É impressionante como essas pessoas precisam de estímulos quase que constantes para se manterem ativos e alertas. É muito difícil que consigam prestar atenção em algo que não estão interessados. Déficit de atenção ou não, isso faz parte dos criativos.


Uma parte deles nunca amadurece e isso talvez seja o real segredo para a criatividade. Eles observam o mundo com os olhos curiosos de uma criança.

Pessoas criativas (10)



Criatividade não significa que você está imune a falhas e erros. Assim como as outras pessoas, os criativos também sofrem derrotas na vida… mas o grande segredo é que eles não param em qualquer rejeição. Eles levantam e tentam de novo.


Muitos criativos não se animam com trabalhos convencionais. Eles querem algo novo, diferente, desafiador… e isso pode ser motivo para sempre ouvir que devem procurar um trabalho de verdade. Meh.

Pessoas criativas (9)



Há quem diga que as pessoas criativas têm uma tendência de assumir mais riscos e não se preocupar com problemas. Isso pode trazer inúmeros desafios, mas também muito mais satisfação.


Não há nada mais prazeroso para os criativos do que criar algo que realmente importe para eles. Isso pode fazer com que esqueçam de comer, beber e até dormir. Quando as ideias fluem, nada mais importa.

Pessoas criativas (8)



Os horários convencionais não se encaixam na agenda dos criativos. Eles fazem as coisas quando é melhor para eles.


A maioria dos criativos sabem que o copo está meio cheio.

Pessoas criativas (7)



Isso é um mistério, mas há algo que deixe os criativos inconstantes sobre seus trabalhos.


Assim como o #11. Uma loucura.

Pessoas criativas (6)



Pessoas criativas sempre estão dispostas a aprender, mas são extremamente orgulhosos quando se trata de suas ideias.


A busca por novidades nunca para. Qualquer que seja o criativo, ele sempre vai procurar (e encontrar) novas formas de expressar o que pensa e sente.

Pessoas criativas (5)



Eles vão cumprir horários e entregas, mas é provável que tudo fique para o dia anterior. Ou para as últimas horas.


Os criativos sempre observam situações de diferentes pontos de vista.

Pessoas criativas (4)



Regras e limites, definitivamente, não foram feitas para criativos. É por isso que algumas vezes eles são vistos como rebeldes.


Tente obrigar pessoas criativas a estudar matemática e veja como eles odeiam números.

Pessoas criativas (3)



Qualquer coisa pode servir de inspiração para os criativos, por isso estão sempre observando pessoas e situações. Até os mínimos detalhes.


Fugir da rotina é uma ótima maneira de se manterem motivados. Lembra do #3?

Pessoas criativas (2)



O recomeço não é um medo de pessoas criativos. Se algo não está bom, recomeçar tudo de novo de um jeito melhor não é um problema.


Eles amam a vida, as pessoas, os animais, a natureza… eles amam tudo que é belo e puro. O amor dos criativos pela vida é contagiante e realmente pode transformar relacionamentos. Fique próximo de pessoas criativas, eles vão fazer sua vida um pouco mais interessante.

Pessoas criativas (1)


Essa lista foi feita para pessoas criativas, mas eu digo que também é para aqueles menos criativos, porque no fim todos nós somos criativos. Cada um a sua maneira. 😉

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[Info] Quanto custa realizar as 10 experiências turísticas mais desejadas do mundo


Quanto custa realizar as 10 experiências turísticas mais desejadas do mundo – InfoMoney


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[Info] 5 Traits Of Creative Leaders (And How To Become One)

Being a leader is difficult. That’s why most of us end up taking direction from others in our professional lives. But the ranks of the self-employed are swelling, hinting that more people are getting comfortable taking the reins in their own hands. And in fact, becoming a leader (even if it’s just of yourself) is something anyone who’s committed to the task can master. There’s no inborn quality that leaders possess. They’re ordinary people who decide at one point or another to do extraordinary things.

That doesn’t just take courage, it demands creativity—the kind you need to actively nurture and practice. I’m an artist, so I like to think about leadership as an art form. And I’ve found that in order to become a leader, you need to develop similar qualities to an artist—to tap into your creative intelligence in order to keep ahead of the crowd, stay nimble, and inspire those around you to push themselves, too.

Here are five traits the most creative driven leaders—and therefore the bestleaders, generally speaking—all possess.


Change is a constant. In the natural world, in politics, in business, the only thing that stays the same is the fact that nothing stays the same. Some people wait until they’re propelled into leadership positions by forces around them. But the best leaders—from Joan of Arc to Martin Luther King, Jr. to Steve Jobs—first provoke themselves into action, then the people around them. They’re constantly imagining new possibilities. They instigate change that they envision even when others don’t.

Yet perhaps the only major difference between these great leaders and the average person is that they’re willing to do something rather than let circumstances dictate life for them. That typically means rattling cages and shaking up long-standing beliefs and institutions—which is never easy or universally well-received. But that’s precisely what makes them great. To rise to your true leadership potential, chances are you’ll need to rattle a few cages as well, starting with your own.


There are things we know to be true and things we feel to be true. Thanks to our education, most of us tend to lean on our existing knowledge base to solve problems and make decisions. But the best leaders are those who realize that the things they sense—those possibilities that lie just beyond the realm of the known—hold a special value, too. Listening to them is how real breakthroughs happen.

Most of us have problems balancing logic with intuition. But the truth is that those faculties aren’t opposed to one another. In fact, you need to figure out how to get them working together if you’re to become a truly creative leader. Intellect without intuition makes for a smart person without impact. Intuition without intellect makes a spontaneous person without direction.


One of the biggest stumbling blocks for anyone trying to accomplish something is perfectionism—the need to get it exactly right before taking the next step. But the best leaders realize that perfection is impossible, and pursuing perfection often stands in the way of what’s most important: progress. Leadership requires making consistent strides, no matter how big. And the quicker the stride, the greater the progress.

Don’t buy into the notion that you can take a giant leap if you spend enough time carefully mapping it out. By the time you get done planning, others will have lapped you twice and already taken that leap you spent months mulling over. Opt instead to “just go” and let the sparks fly. You will make mistakes. But in the process, you’ll learn quickly and keep moving—refining your skills and igniting new levels of creativity you didn’t know you had.


“Don’t ask what the world needs,” the great civil rights leader Howard Thurman once said. “Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” There’s something compelling about a person with conviction, whether or not you agree with everything he or she represents. But conviction is rare, because in our longing for stability and security, we often make the mistake of looking outside ourselves for direction when we should be looking inside. And over time we can lose sight of who we truly are and what’s really important to us.

Conviction can be cultivated, though—and it starts with you individually. While those who live with great conviction can always inspire you, they don’t know your passions and beliefs. Only you can ask, “What makes me come alive?” From there, the gaps between who you are and who you can still be will become clear. You might find you need something dramatic like a career change, or the exercise of answering that question might help propel you down the path you’re already on. The key is to find something that you feel you’re meant to do and give yourself to it.


The ability to come up with new ideas is a defining characteristic of great leaders. They’re able to step out of the common view and imagine new possibilities that set the course for others to follow. Each of us has a tremendous capacity for originality—we’re each unique, after all—but activating it can be difficult. Why? Because our lives are full of other demands—our jobs, our families—and we spend most of our precious time and energy just trying to keep up.

In order to free your own originality, you need to be willing to stop doing only what’s required and expected of you and start doing the things that only you can do—those ideas and projects you keep shelving until you’ve got time for them. But the truth is there’s never a convenient moment to tackle them. There’s never going to come a time when you’ll be 100% certain you’ll succeed if you do. Get started on those things today and work on them every day thereafter.

Ultimately, the real difference between you and the creative leaders who inspire you is action. You have the innate capacity to develop all the qualities they possess. The key is to start. Start today. Start now. Don’t wait around until life demands something of you—it always will. That’s not what leaders do.

Erik Wahl is the author of the bestselling book Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius. He is an entrepreneur, graffiti artist, and successful speaker who helps people unleash their creativity to achieve superior levels of performance.

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[Info] 11 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein offered us more than just the amazing theory of relativity and E=mc2. Through his persistence in his discoveries in science, Einstein shined a light on how each of us can do the impossible by hard work, experiencing failure, and valuing people. Even if you are not a scientist, you can apply these life lessons to your life today.


“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” – Albert Einstein


The more complicated you have to make something seem, the more you do not understand the inner workings of it. Think about the best teachers that you have had in your life. Did they make even the most complicated topics full of vocabulary that you did not understand or did they make it easier to understand by simplifying?


“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein


Inspire others to do what they love. Use your creativity to create new works, and you never know what others will create. It’s time to let your mind create projects and ideas that will have a domino effect throughout the world.

Hard Work and Failure

“The only sure way to avoid making mistakes is to have no new ideas.” – Albert Einstein

make mistakes

“You never fail until you stop trying.” -Albert Einstein

Einstein spent most of his life working on physics theories- some never worked out and others we know today. You never know which one will work out, but persistence is key. You have to keep working hard and keep trying to solve your problem. Failure doesn’t exist until you stop trying.

Live in the Present

“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.” -Albert Einstein


You are only guaranteed the moment that you have right now, at this moment. You can try to get yourself worried about the future and make plans that may not work out according to plan. What matters most is living now, today. Do your best right now and do not worry about tomorrow.

Be Unconventional

“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.” – Albert Einstein


Everything great took a process of going outside of the box and doing something unconventional. If you continue to do the norm, then you are going to just produce normal, conventional results. Think differently, and you may find your answer.


“Imagination is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein


“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein


Imagination is key. When you imagine something differently, you begin to share with others. People begin to see the world that you imagine. Together you can create and help each other. Take time today to daydream, imagine, and share your ideas with others.

Work Towards the Impossible

“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” – Albert Einstein


If it seems ridiculous to others and you are willing to take the risk, then you are able to achieve the impossible. When you go beyond what others think is reasonable, an amazing thing starts to happen. You complete what was once an obstacle.

Value People

“We know from daily life that we exist for other people first of all, for whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends.” – Albert Einstein

“Life isn’t worth living, unless it is lived for someone else.” – Albert Einstein

someone else

If you put people first, they will value you and look to you as a person who genuinely cares about others. Spend at least a few minutes out of your busy day being fully engaged with people without any distractions. Show them that you value them. Thank them and send compliments their way. It will not only make their day better, but they will appreciate it and remember what you have done for them.


“Student is not a container you have to fill but a torch you have to light up.” – Albert Einstein


Share your ideas with others. You may light a spark that ignites someone to do what they have always wanted. If you just hold all of your ideas and knowledge to yourself, you are not helping others at all. What if you held the key that would solve someone’s problems, wouldn’t you want to share it?

Be Open to Learning

“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” -Albert Einstein


It’s the journey as you learn and not just soaking up all of the information. It’s fully diving in and learning that some things work and others do not. Learning is not a one-size-fits-all path, but your own customized journey.

Do What is Right

“Always do what’s right; this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” – Albert Einstein


When you come to the fork in the road or if your consciousness is offering you a decision, always do what is right. You may feel that the other option will be easier or offer you more money, but when you know that the other option will allow you more opportunity in the future or is the right thing to do, then you have to do it. It’s not going out and choosing the easiest decision, but taking the time to follow your gut and do the right thing will keep you standing out from the crowd.


Filed under Inspiration, Quotes

[Info] 10 Simple Habits to Help You Become Happier


 De acordo com o artigo levo uma vida… 35% feliz! rsss

1. Stop Shopping

Put down the plastic and step away from the cash register! According to this Science of Happiness infographic, consumerism is the biggest obstacle to happiness around the world.

Retail therapy is only a temporary fix to make you happy. You may experience the joy of instant gratification when purchasing something you want, but, as the saying goes, “you can’t buy happiness.” Often times, shopping will lead to buyer’s guilt or jealousy because you can’t afford a certain product.

2. Work Out Often

Make a mix playlist of your favorite songs and hit the gym. Burning off calories and strengthening your muscles only touches the surface of the benefits of working out. Underneath all of your physical components lie some awesome chemicals called endorphins. When you break a sweat, these endorphins are released, and they bring about a feel-good reaction that promotes happiness. That’s why healthy people are generally 20% happier than the average person.

Ultimately, staying active can naturally cause you to feel more excitement and enthusiasm for daily activities. Adding music and friends to share in the workout experience can also lighten your stress load and help you unwind.


3. Eat Bananas

It’s no doubt that this fruit is “top banana” when it comes to triggering happiness. Not only is this super food cost-effective and abundant year-round, it is also simple and portable for when you need it the most. What gives bananas their star-power is the amount of tryptophan and tyrosine they contain, which change into the hormone serotonin. Eating one banana can calm your body and mind while giving you the right amount of energy and brain power to face the day.

4. Attend Church

Denomination aside, attending church regularly can actually boost your mood.This simple hour can grant you time for reflection, causing you to put your worries and stresses on hold. Church can also be a place to release your stress and emotions. Additionally, church is a good place for socializing and talking with people of like minds. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come from: a place of worship can put all in attendance on an equal playing field, joining together for a common purpose. This can put you in a better, more optimistic mood and put your issues into perspective.

happiness and church

5. Volunteer

It goes without saying that lending a helping hand is a reward in itself. Using your skills and expertise to assist the less fortunate can boost your happiness. After all, you’ve accomplished something for the greater good. Start small and maybe prepare a meal for your elderly neighbors or volunteer to cook and serve dinner at a local soup kitchen. Bringing some life and light back into someone’s life and seeing their happiness and gratitude is contagious.

6. Enjoy Friendship

Laughter is one of the best prescriptions for daily happiness. Find a group of friends and enjoy a distraction-free evening reminiscing and talking about your lives together. Avoid gossip and venting about problems that plague you. Chances are that you’ve fixated enough on these problems and it’s time to let things go. Keep in mind that often your friends know you well enough to give you sound advice. Take it and then let the conversation shift to something more lighthearted.

7. Plan Your Day

Having a set schedule can alleviate stress and tension throughout your day. Plan your meals a week in advance and cook ahead on the weekends. Each evening, set aside a few minutes to ready clothing and items that you need for the next day. Remember, it takes at least 30 days to make a habit, so try it for a month. Each day, schedule in some flexibility or “me” time to relax. Keeping your own needs in mind is a great way to stay organized and in control of your life so you can enjoy each moment.

8. Eat Healthy

Eating a well-balanced meal can keep your metabolism going strong all day long. This will give you enough energy to sustain your daily routines and feel great. Strive to eat as naturally as possible. Cutting corners by eating pre-packaged and processed foods can actually make you feel lethargic and cause problems such as gas and unpleasant digestive issues. Make sure to eat plenty of lean protein like chicken or fish paired with some green vegetables for brainpower and focus. Don’t forget that banana!

9. Turn Off the TV

The temptation to turn on the TV for “noise” or to relax can actually be harmful to your health and your happiness. Don’t turn on the TV  while you’re doing something pleasurable and relaxing, like cooking or spending time with your family. These activities deserve your focus and will reduce your stress levels, if you aren’t multitasking.  So much television programming is made up of negative reports about crime and accidents, violence, or chaos, even having it on in the background can actually boost your stress levels. Try turing on some classical or smooth jazz music to relax your body and mind. Turn off the TV and give yourself some reflective time to read a book or play a game with your family.

10. Meditate

Tap into your inner wisdom in the morning for an easier and happier start to your day. Through focusing on positive thoughts, you can train yourself to view your accomplishments, your body and your relationships in a positive light. This improves your confidence and self-worth. Breathe deeply.  Challenge yourself to try the Loving Kindness Meditation. Channeling all of your love and joy to others will bring happiness back to you, magnified.

You don’t need to change your entire life to find happiness. Start with these simple habits that can help refocus your mind on what is important and increase the joy you find in everyday living.

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[Video] Está desmotivado?!

Desmotivado?! Antes de decidir seus planos para 2014 vejam este vídeo!!!

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December 23, 2013 · 12:03 pm